In New York State, many workers’ compensation claims end in a Section 32 settlement. This type of agreement allows people suffering from serious workplace injuries or occupational diseases to resolve their claim and (in most cases) receive a lump sum payment.
Whether you’re tired of dealing with your employer and their workers’ comp insurer, or hope to use the lump sum to pay off mounting medical debt, settling your New York State workers’ compensation claim can be an attractive proposition. However, there’s a lot to consider before accepting a Section 32 settlement.
When considering whether to settle your workers’ compensation claim, there’s far too much at stake to go it alone. At O’Connor Law PLLC, our skillful workers’ comp attorneys will build a strong case for benefits, negotiate aggressively on your behalf, and evaluate the settlement offers you receive to ensure that they meet your needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a free initial consultation.
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